If you want to visit Malaysia especially this year, I want to give all of you a guide while you are in here. This is because; Malaysia has many interesting places to visit. Therefore, you can read this guide and practice this guide while you are in here. Welcome world and enjoy your journey. 2007, is the year to visit Malaysia. MALAYSIA, TRULY ASIA! Malaysia Boleh!
While in your country:
1) Make sure bring, your passport, visa (if have), identity card, all important thing, and permission form from your husband, wife, child, parents, neighbors, chief, boss, or president with you.
2) Make sure bring your husband, wife, child, parents, neighbors, chief, boss, or president with you because they are important person for you.
3) Make sure bring more huge bag which is don’t have any things in there because you need to put all souvenir, things, and many more which you will buy at Malaysia.
4) Make sure you get all information about Malaysia before you arrive here because all places in Malaysia are attractive and you will find it.
5) Make sure you ready with more cloths, shoes, and any things because you sure not satisfied if you visit Malaysia only a week. Certain of our visitors are continuing their journeys for a week more.
6) Make sure plane you journey perfectly or get your journey plan from Tourism Malaysia because, in Malaysia has many attractive places to visits and you sure not satisfied if you do not have much time to visit all places.
7) Make sure do not leaved any things and any body at your house. Bring all of them to visit Malaysia together with you. Malaysia not waste you money and time!
8) Make sure bring enough money because you will leave at Malaysia more several days and all souvenir and things at Malaysia sold with low price at this time.
9) Make sure book your hotel from your country because hotel in Malaysia is too many.
10) Make sure change your hotel every day because hotel in Malaysia is cheaper and every hotel give different services based on culture, price, location, and environment.
11) Lastly, make sure you choose Malaysia Airlines or Air Asia to fly because they have good services, friendly, faster, and low price for ticket. If Malaysia Airlines Air Asia do not have any services in you country, you can choose other airlines company.
When you arrived in Malaysia:
1) Make sure you arrive at Malaysia.
2) Make sure you arrive at Malaysia airport likes Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Kuching International Airport (KIA), Langkawi International Airport (LIA) or other main airport in Malaysia.
3) Make sure you arrive with all things that you bring.
4) Make sure you and your members arrive at the same time, same country, same airport, and same members.
5) Make sure you know all things that you bring with you because many visitors come to Malaysia and I worried if you lost your things.
6) Make sure you buy something at airport because all main airports in Malaysia are like a shopping mall and free tax, which sold a much of souvenir especially in KLIA.
7) Make sure before you leaved the airport, book you taxi (cab) from legal counter in that airport. Do not take any taxi out from airport. This is because, the driver will charge you doubling different with taxi, which you book by airport. Example, the ticket only about RM35 or USD10, but they charge you RM70 or USD20!
8) Make sure before you leaved the airport; get the correct information about your hotel, moneychanger, and so on.
9) Make sure you compare the information that you get before with information, which is in tourist guide that you get in Malaysia.
10) Make sure you know to speak in English basic because Malaysians will help you if they really understand what you say. If not, they will say ‘I don’t know’. Actually, Malaysians are not boasting like other people but if your pronunciation is clear, they never stop to help you. Taxi driver is the example of it.
11) Make sure you know what place you need to go because your journey will cross cause of much tourist attraction.
12) Make sure you always refer to tourist guide to clear your journey.
13) Make sure you ask correct Malaysians if you want information about something because in Malaysia has many foreigner workers. As a development country, Malaysia has 1.5 million foreigner workers especially in Kuala Lumpur. That is why you must ask the correct Malaysians.
14) Lastly, make sure always bring your sunglasses which has SALE PROOF to cover you eyes from sale, discount, cheaper, and low price things that sale in Malaysia especially Kuala Lumpur because now is the discount time. I am worried you exited to buy it and maybe you forgot to visit attractive places.
So, I hope you will enjoy your journey. Any question, just message me.
Isnin, 26 Februari 2007
Guide for tourist who visit Malaysia (Just Kidding)
Khamis, 22 Februari 2007
aku mmg suke bedebat. tak kire sape-sape. kalo aku rase pendapat aku btul, aku akan bedebat sampai lawan aku menangis(besenyer tak nagis pon tp mengalah jer). ape saje topik aku bleh berdebat. tp aku lebih suke bedebat berdasarkan fakta yg jelas dan terbaru. lebig kurang cam gosoiplah....
aku perasan lah skang ni, kat malaysia dah jadi satu trend. korang ni lebih suke berdebat tentang hiburan dr berdebat tentang ape yg berlaku dlm dunia kite skang. contoh cam pasal bawang merah bawang putih dulu. nasib baik dah abis crite tu, kalo tak setahun tak abis mengeji crite tu.
bukak je sorat kabar, ade umpatan ttg criter tu. korang ni tak de bende lain ke nak buat? sanggup pasal bwg korang nak pertahankan. bwg kat umah yg korang selalu melantak tu taknak plak bising. pnat mak beli kat pasar. ntah2, bwg pon tak knal?
aku menulis ni bkn sbb ape. aku geam dgn mentaliti rakyat kite ni yg berfikir dlm kotak. taknak cube pkir ape yg berlaku kat luar kotak. banyak lg bende2 yg bleh didebatkan.
mcm mane nak bg angkasawan malaysia bwk roti canai or nasi lemak kat angkasa,
knape bush serang iraq?
bursa saham malaysia naik lagi keparas tertinggi,
mahathir muncul lg,
pelajar ponteng.
kan banyak lg edegan yg bleh dicarutkan dan debatkan. ape yg susah sgt ni? ke mmg kite dah ditanam dlm otak supaye jgn amik tau hal-hal mcm ni? remeh sgt ke? org-org tue ckp, biorler, tu sume kerajaan punyer keje. habis tu kite ni sape? pendatng ke sampai taknak amik tau hal2 mcm ni?
cube pkir kalo satu hari nanti, rakyat malaysia dah tak knal sape name perdana menteri sendiri. skang ni name2 menteri konpem korang tak tau kan? bile aku cube terangkan kat kwn2 seangkatan aku a.k.a budak2 hingusan ni, sume kate aku suke berpolitik. sebok je. mcm aku yg nak bertanding jd wakil rakyat.
abis tu takan nak diam jer? nak jadi katak bwh tempurung. tp kalo org tanyer aku pasal artis aku tau lah sket2 tp tak lah fanatik sgt!!!!! aku bkn peminat artis sgt. tp luar negare mcm mariah carey tu mmg minat giler!!! hehehhehe
bkn ape, taknak jd spt KATAK BWH TEMPURUNG.
pasal bwg lg. korang ingat kalo gaduh-gaduh pasal bwg ni korang bleh mng kes ke kat court?
lg pon korang ingat tv3 nak dgr ckp org ramai yg tak berape ramai ni? dr dgr ckp korang baik die siarkan trus sampai abis sbb dpt untung. iklan banyak masyuk!
tv3 ni mmg reti kaut keuntungan je. sbb ape, ckp mufti pon buat derk je.. mufti suruh brentikan crite bwg tu tp sampai sudah tak. maknenyer korang punyer usaha sie-sie jer.
Rabu, 21 Februari 2007
nasihat? ape menatang tu? makhluk? bende?
nasihat adalah sesuatu perkataan yg kuar dari mulut seorang manusia ke atas manusia lain yg bertujuan menegur kesalahan yg org lain buat atau saje-saje(nak tunjuk alim).
nasihat adalah sesuatu perkataan yg kuar dari mulut seorang manusia ke atas manusia lain yg bertujuan menegur kesalahan yg org lain buat atau saje-saje(nak tunjuk alim).
maksud yg tersirat ini adalah rekaan semata-mata. tiada kene mengene antara yg hidup ato mati katak.
ape kepentingan nasihat? bg org lain memang bergune atau penting tp bg aku plak, SIA-SIA JE BG NASIHAT KAT ORG YG MMG TAK PAHAM BAHASA!
huh puas aku!
sbb ape aku ckp camtu? sbb nasihat ni dah tak relevan lg skang. sbb aper? org kite dah takmakan nasihat!!
cuber korang tengok kemalang yg berlaku tiap-tiap hari. semakin lame semakin meningkat! sbb aper? polis tutup mate? PM buat derk je? PBT senyap cam sipot? Pak Menteri Goyang telinge sambil makan twisties?
tak! tak! sume salah! sbbnyer salah rakyat malaysia itu sendiri! dah nak naik kematu mulut org atasan ni bg nasihat. kalo bwk moto ke kete slow-slow. jgn bwk mcm mak ayah kiter je yg bayar road tax. tp ape yg jadi? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
itu blum lg masuk pasal rogol, mencuri dan pelbagai lg maksiat dan perangai mcm saudara ISRAEL yg rakyat malaysia buat. itu sume dah diberi nasihat. tp sumer x jalan.
contoh yg paling best, berjuta rupiah eh ringgit malaysia kerajaan malaysia belanjakan duit korang utk membanteras masalah merokok ni. tp hampeh!!!
bapak aku plak kate, kalo kerajaan ikhlas nak banteras mesti die dah haramkan rokok tu. kerajaan sengaje je nak kaut untung sbb die tau org akan beli walo mcm mane pon.
pakcik aku plak kate, kerajan tau korang ni mmg lembab dlm pemikiran dan bodoh sepoi-sepoi bahasa. sbb tu diorang beli gak walo dah mmg mahal.
aku plak nak kate, tu sume alasan pak pandir bg org yg mmg telinga tebal mcm bontot kuali. korang ingat kerajaan suke-suke jer nak rosakkan otak korang. buat ape diorang nak roasakkan otak yg mmg dah rosak? btul tak??? huhuhuuhh(gelak SAMBIL ANGKAT KAKI DAN TANGAN)
korang pkir snang ker nak trus haramkan rokok yg mmg dah jadi darah daging korang? mcm mkn nasi gak. kalo korang pegi USA. tiap-tiap hari makan sayur ngan roti mcm kambing sampai muker iras-iras kambing. sehari due bleh thn tp kalo dah seminggu tak makan bende nasik tu, mesti kate loye lah, nak muntah lah, bkn tekak kite lah. btul tak????? (angkat bontot plak)
sbb tu kerajaan buat pelan-pelan kempen tu sbb xnak org ramai mengamuk sbb nak daun pokok tua tu(tembakau). tp org kiter tak onah pikir pon pasal ni.
banyak lg yg aku nak bg tau kat korang tp malas plak taip. asyik mengumpat jer pnat gak mulut tangan ni. aku ngumpat gune tangan bkn mulut(mencarut lg tak tentu pasal)
kpd kerajaan yg masih nak buat kempen, tak payah lah.... cube try cadangan hamba yg kacak dan hensem thp brad pit(abg sedare) agar duit yg ade jimat sket.
- kempen taknak merokok kpd kempen taknak mati atau nak hidup lame. pastu letak muke org yg nak mampos sbb rokok besar-besar dlm bas. gambar betol! bkn gambar hiasan atau TIADA KENE MENGENE DGN YG HIDUP ATAU MATI.
- KEMPEN KESELAMAT JALAN RAYA kpd kempen NYAWA ANDA TIADA SPARE PART KAT HOSPITAL. mesti seram diorang dgr. hahahhha(gelak cam evil)
- REMAJA LEPAK plak, tampal muker mat lepak ni merate-merate atau same kan tabiat buruk lg huduh diorang ni dgn tiang-tiang or tembok-tembok kat KLCC sbb muker dah mcm tembok pecah!!! ahakz(gelak lg mcm ikan todak sembelit)
- maksiat a.k.a buat dose. ajak je diorang buat video free kat mesjid wilayah. siap bg lg dana khas dlm membantu karyawan-karyawan mude yg tak berkesempatan ni. siapkan kamera sejibik cam pilem holywood.
amacam cadangan aku? best tak?