Every day when I checked my blog account, who visited my blog, it has about 15-20 person was visit my blog. Not per week but per day. They are from Europe and Asia. My blog talk about history. Before that, I only wrote about Malaysia and several place in Malaysia. Including their history, interesting places and where their location is. But, only visitor from Malaysia and his neighbor visited my blog. Only 5-8 visitors.
After that, I tried to write about other country. I choose ISRAEL for the first choice. I’m very shocked! When I checked again my blog account, I sew, the total number of visitor increased. See, I have visitor from Europe and Asia! But, I’m feeling weird. Why? Every day have 10 visitors from ISRAEL come to visit my blog but they just visit. Not read and comment what I’m written. Until now it has happen.
The conclusion is:
1) They just want to know what the all blogger in the world write about them.
2) They scare if has somebody in the world critics them.
3) They don’t wan other people talk about their ‘evil’ attitude.
4) They absolutely is the busy ‘body person’ in the world.
5) They ‘hungry’ with sympathy.
6) They are chicken!!!!
So, are you agreeing with me?
Quentin Elias??
Rabu, 25 April 2007
Israeli and Alien
Israel people or Jews is the one nation in the world, which is, does not have own places or country. Before they took Palestine as their country in 1947, they live at other places likes Europe and Australia. However, several countries in Europe do not like this nation to live at their country because Jews is the nation, which is, make the country that they live, difficult and poor. Why? They just like to collect the money but they do not like to help the country. This nation is so selfish. After god chased them out from Egypt, they had no place to go. Therefore, they scattered around the world searching a place for them. Then United Kingdom gives them one place in Palestine (crazy).
Is the one ‘people’ are lived at space. They like to experiment human (really?). They want to know about what human do in every day. Anything, anywhere, and anytime (everything). This ‘people’ has higher technology in their civilization. This ‘people’ also like to attack others if they feel endangered (really?) by using their weapon.
Did you know people who live in their country called based on their country name? Let me give the example.
1) People of Malaysia: Malaysian
2) People of United State: American
3) People of Singapore: Singaporean
4) People of China: Chinese
5) People of Israel: Israelian? Israeli?
Actually, Israel must be call as ISRAELIAN!!! Because, Israel + Alien = Israelian. Not Jews, Israel, or Israeli. Understood?
Is the one nation in this world getting own places or country by imperialism After they are chase from Egypt, they live at Europe. After that, they chase again and live at Palestine. They have higher technology in weapon. This is because, they worried if have other country attack them. Besides that, they want to collect a lot of place to make their country huge. That is why they used weapon to achieve their goal. They also like to experiment their technology at human especially, Muslim.
Semalam Yang Hilang.....
Aku ade terbace dlm surat kabo ttg stesen tv kat malaysia skang ni dah melanggar banyak peraturan yg di tetapkan kementerian antarenye rancangan yg berbahase Melayu lebih sket dr rancangan yg tidak menggunakan bhs Melayu spt stesen tv RTM 2, ntv 7, 8 tv dan channel yg ade kat dlm astro. Rate2 hanya menyiarkan rancangan yg berbahase Melayu tidak lebih dr 10 % je dr keseluruhan rancangan yg disiarkan. Ade stesen tv tu, 5 % pon tak sampai. Jadi, ape kesimpulan yg bleh kite buat dr situasi ni? Tengok jer? Yes! Absolutely! Just see and do not give a respond and make it simple. So, where is our responsible as a Malaysian? Korang tau, setiap stesen tv dibenarkan mewujudkan stesen tv masing2 kalo syarat utama diikuti. Syarat utama adelah, semua rancangan mestilah 60 % ber Bahasa Melayu. Tp, ape yg korang dpt tengok skang? 100 % bhs Melayu? Tipu......
Sebenarnye, dah banyak org tego pasal bende ni. Stesen tv ni lebih pentingkan keuntungan dr hal2 yg lebih menjurus kpd pembentukan semangat perpaduan dlm diri setiap rakyat Malaysia. Kuar surat khabar tiap2 hari. Tp ape yg dorang buat utk perubahan? NOTHING!!! Sbb ape? Sbb DUIT!!! Lg satu, selagi Perdana Menteri kite tak tego, selagi tu dorang buat derk jer... takpe.. bg dorang, apelah sgt kuase pengguna ni. Alah, esok lusa senyap lah tu... jgn kate doreng ade buat perubahan. Lg tambah rancangan adelah!!
Bangge sgt dgn bhs asing tu. sbb tulah aku ckp, org malaysia ni sng sgt menerima bende luar. Bkn Melayu shj ye. ORANG MALAYSIA. Kalo org melyu je yg suke mesti dah bankrupt tv2 ni. Dah 50 thn kite merdeka. Org luar pon dah iktiraf kite punyer bangse, tp kenape kite sendiri yg tak yakin dgn produk kite sendiri. Oh, drama malaysia pon mcm drama mat salleh jer baik kite tengok mat salleh punyer. (kate2 seorang teman) tak kesah lah mcm hindustan ke, mcm org putih ke, janji produk kite. Janji kite ikut peraturan. Btul tak? Degil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lg satu, ramai yg tak perasan, bkn shj cerite atau rancangan yg tidak menggunakan bhs Melayu yg dorang terbitkan, tp kebanyakan rancangan lebih kpd 18 sx. Btul tak? Cube tengok kat 8 tv. Setiap hari. Setiap mlm. Start kul 9.30 mlm. Cerite ape yg banyak? Padahal waktu tu bebudak tengah rancak skodeng tv bersama keluarge tercinta, sahabat handai dan kaum kerabat yg lain. Tp waktu tu jugaklah die nak tayang mende2 yg ‘sopan’ pd pandangan org barat tuh!!. Huh!!! Dan waktu tu jugaklah bebudak nak belajar, buat homework, minum susu ibu, ayah nak ajar ibu dan anak, dan mcm 2 lg aktiviti keluarge yg bleh mendatangkan faedah.
Disbbkan asyik tayang bende tak senonoh tu, budak2 skang jd bengap, lembab, otak udang, ketegaq, benak, suwey, lembik dan BODOH dlm Pelajaran. Sbb ape? Sambil bace buku, sambil tu mate dok melilau tengok tv. Tv plak tgh rancak tayang desperate housewife. Kejap2 cium. Kejap2 gomol. Kejap2 berendam dlm tub. Esok2, tu yg kuar exam nyer. Amik contoh lah. Kalo aku tanyer korang pasal pelakon2 yg belakon dr kul 7 mlm sampei kul 1 pagi mesti korang ingat kan? jln cerite pon ingat gak kan? ntah2, name pegarah dan tukang sponsor pon ingat gak. Sbb ape? Encyclopedia live ade kat dpn mate. Jilid pertame, tv3, pastu edisi kedua plak, ntv 7. sambung plak cetakan kat 8 tv. Tu blum maklumat tambahan kat dlm astro yg tanpa tapisan sgt tp buat2 tapis.
Aku jadi geram kat stesen tv ni sbb buat2 bodoh sepoi2 bahasa je bile org tego. Aku penat tau bile bkk tv tgh malam sambil tu kene pegeng remote control. Lg2 kalo aku tgh tengok tv pastu adik2 aku pon join same. Sbb ape? Kejap2 kene censored. Kejap2 kene censored. Sbb ape lg lah plak tu? kejap2 ade adegan main polis entry kat dlm bilik. Kejap2 ade adegan bwk gule2 dr mulut ke mulut (tu sume persepsi adik2 aku yer...) pastu ade plak acare jejak kasih pas jumpe kwn... adik aku asyik tanye je ape yg dorang buat. Pastu buat amali sains dan praktikal kat mak ayah aku plak. Padahal mane bleh buat mcm tu!!! dorang tu kecik lg dan mudah terpengaruh. Korang tau tak!!!!!!??????
Puas aku buat penerangan kat adik2 aku. Kalo korang kire blk, brape kali adegan kongsi gule2 dr mulut ke mulut dlm cerite grey anatomy? Pastu brape kali korang tengok main polis entry? Pastu bleh catatkan. Buat jadual kat dlm bilik tido korang. Mane cerite yg ade adegan pling banyak blehlah ditonton. Eh, silap. Di batalkan tontonan. (buat2 tak suke konon....) tp terpakse. Harap2 adelah perubahan yg dilakukan dorang ni. Dan harap2 plak, Perdana menteri kite sendiri yg tego. Kite ni dlm proses nak menegakkan ISLAM HADHARI. Lg satu, kite ni nak mendaulatkan bhs Melayu. Bkn bahase ^%#%$#$#. Paham????!!!!!
Ok, sampei kat sini je carutan ini setelah lame takp mencarut. Babai..........................
Jumaat, 6 April 2007
Exam Dah Habis!!!
Minggu lepas exam dah abis. tu yg aku seronok sgt tu!! (padahal tak ulangkaji pon)
Bile tengok paper aku blk, rase nak nangis gak. apsal aku tak bace dr awal lg!!! punyerlah sng soklan tp aku bleh lupe gak. aku suke blajar last minit. tu yg tak dapek tu.
Tengok lagi wajah2 sahabat, rakan dan taulan aku yg baru abis exam, mmg sedih jer... bkn sedih sbb tk dpt jwb tp ngantuk jer.
So, aktiviti yg bese dilakukan selepas menjawab paper adelah spt di atas.
Banyak lg kes yg aku mmg xnak tunjuk. Sume yg berkaitan aktiviti yg bese dilakukan SELAPAS EXAM.
Lg satu, sbb ia berlaku kat blk sebelah...
Ok, ckup sampei disini je entry ni. Wasalam....